Cody Dickens - Plugging In Potential

#PluggingInPotential #InternSpotlight
As a Cedarville native, Cody has just completed his lineman internship at Arkansas Valley Electric Cooperative's Van Buren District. This internship has enabled Cody to work part-time as AVECC sponsored him to study High Voltage Lineman Technology at Arkansas State University - Newport.
“I had considered being a lineman in high school. I found out about the scholarship through a family friend at church, applied, and it brought me here. I started interning in 2022. I went to school [ASU] Monday through Thursday, worked on Fridays, and worked through the summers.”
Cody recently transitioned into full-time on AVECC’s Right of Way crew at Ozark where he will work for three months before returning to the Van Buren District as a fourth class lineman.
“I love working for Arkansas Valley. If I don’t know something, the guys are quick to show me what needs done and how to do it. I especially appreciate the members. They appreciate how hard we work and its nice. Working with these guys has definitely taught me how to work hard.”