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MyAVECC app & web portal goes Live July 29th
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Changing the Communities We Serve
Willi Character For Annoucement Message

ATTENTION CURRENT AUTO PAY MEMBERS: If you previously used automatic payments with us, you will need to re-enter your payment information on July 29th!

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Intern Spotlight - Ruthie Qualls

Ruthie Qualls, an incoming Freshman at Central Baptist College in Conway, A...

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The Towns AVECC Calls Home

by Kendell Friemel Arkansas Valley Electric Cooperative Corporation pr...

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Keep Your Bills Low as Temperatures Rise

It’s the dreaded Dog Days of Summer the temperature outside is rising...

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More than Meets the Eye: River Valley Festivals

by Ruthie QuallsThe River Valley is home to unique festivals and events tha...

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Intern Spotlight - Kendell Friemel

Kendell Friemel is interning as a multimedia intern at Arkansas Valley Elec...

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Intern Spotlight - Evelyn Leding

by Ruthie Qualls Evelyn Leding is interning in her second year at Arka...

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