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Scranton Rockets Student Athletes of the Week

Scranton Rockets, Natalie Hanks and Jamison Fritsche have been named the #StudentAthletesOfTheWeek by Arkansas Valley Electric and Wave Rural Connect.
Natalie, a senior all-around player for the Lady Rockets, has attended Scranton since kindergarten.
"I am proud of our team; we've done really well this year." She continued, "We are coming up on the district tournament, and I'm excited to see how far we can go."
Natalie expressed her gratitude for her community's unwavering support in her basketball career: "I can always feel the whole community behind me. I know when we walk out there, the entire crowd supports us, and it encourages me to want to live up to the legacy left by everyone else before us."
As Natalie approaches the end of her senior year, she has already begun to make plans for her future. Inspired by her mother, a Scranton Elementary School teacher, Natalie hopes to follow in her footsteps and pursue a career in elementary education.
Jamison is the Senior High Rockets' senior center, and his roots run deep in Scranton, having attended the school since pre-school. He takes great pride in representing his high school and the entire community.
"When we step on that court, we are representing Scranton, Arkansas, not just Scranton High School," Jamison said. The support from the community is not lost on him, and he relishes the chance to play for them. "It feels good to know everybody in our stands knows us, they've got our backs, and they are rooting for us."
He and his teammates have been working tirelessly to make the most of their final season. 
"Most of us are seniors this year; we know it's our last chance. We've been buckling down and working hard," Jamison said. "I expect us to keep playing good Scranton Rocket basketball and, hopefully, make it far into the regional tournament and then state."

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