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RoundUp For Change

Member Contribution

The average contribution per program participant is just $6.00 per year, however an estimated $20,000 will be raised each year and awarded by Arkansas Valley Electric Cooperative to local community service organizations.

How It Works

The Roundup for Change program works like this: Arkansas Valley will round up utility bills of participating members to the next dollar. For example, if your bill were $41.70, it would be “rounded up” to $42. Your maximum contribution per year could be $11.88, but generally will be less than that, averaging $6 per year. By joining this program you are continuing the “neighbor helping neighbor” concept that founded Arkansas Valley years ago. If you decide to participate in this program, thank you.

Major Funding Categories

To qualify for funding, projects must generally be related to community service, low-income assistance, education youth programs, emergency energy assistance or disaster relief.

Although there are many worthy charitable and educational projects and community needs in our local area, the limited availability of funds requires us to limit donations to these areas. Roundup for Change funds will never be used for political contributions.

For more information, contact Member Services at 1-800-468-2176 or send us an email.

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